Reece Creative Co
Live Wedding Painting
Live Wedding Painting
Live Wedding Paintings are our passion and specialty! Located out of Indianapolis, IN, we serve the Midwest and beyond to deliver a one-of-a-kind keepsake and experience for your incredible day.
About our Wedding Paintings:
-Standard size is a 16x20in stretched canvas
-Painter arrives 2 hours before your ceremony to begin filling in background
-You can choose your pose or allow it to be a surprise! The most common scene is the first kiss.
-Your painting will be anywhere from 80%-100% finished by the end of your reception, depending on the complexity of your environment.
-Paintings that aren't finished at the ceremony are refined and finished within 2 weeks of your wedding date.
-We love to allow your guests to add a few strokes to the painting, that way everyone has contributed to the beauty of your wedding day.
-Prices may vary based on travel and pose, but the average rate is $600.
Have more questions? Ready to book? Add this product to your cart and checkout so we can send you more information, or contact us here.